Police in Buikwe Investigate Brutal Murder of 11-Year-Old Boy

Stock photography of forensic scientist on a crime scene collecting evidence

Police in Ssenyi are investigating circumstances under which an 11-year-old boy was gruesomely mutilated and murdered in Buikwe district.

The deceased has been identified as Godfrey Bravo, and his mutilated body was found at the Muvo landing site in Ssi-Bukunja Sub County in Buikwe district.

According to the locals, the deceased, a resident of Muvo, had been missing for a week before his remains were found on June 27, 2024, in the morning by a local resident who had taken his cows for grazing in a nearby bush.

They also revealed that Bravo disappeared from his mom’s home, Ephrance Nakaggwa, a week ago; however, a search for him was started in the nearby bushes, hospitals, and mortuaries, but to no avail.

’’Bravo’s remains were discovered by one of the locals, who alerted his parents, and they came to identify him; however, the state his body was found in shattered them,’’ the locals stated.

During an interview on June 27, 2024, Abdul Kateregga, the local council defense secretary of Muvo, confirmed this incident and revealed that when the search for Bravo was unsuccessful, the parents of the deceased decided to consult a witch doctor to locate their son, and he told them that their son was alive but locked up in someone’s house.

Kateregga added that the witch doctor told Bravo’s parents to go back to him after two days, and after the two days elapsed, they decided to go back for his services; however, he called them first and told them not to come because their son was alive and had been dumped somewhere.

’’Bravo’s parents were very hopeful that their son was still alive due to what the witch doctor had told them; however, to their dismay, his body was discovered in a horrific state, with his private parts, tongue, one arm, and one leg severed from his body,’’ Kateregga stated.

He added that up to now the locals are still in shock and in fear due to the state in which Bravo’s corpse was found, and called upon the police to investigate the matter thoroughly and apprehend the culprits, as such acts of child sacrifice had not occurred in the area for a long time.

The police have launched an investigation into the murder and are working to identify and arrest the perpetrators responsible for this heinous act.