PDM Funds Rescue Kween’s 84-Year-Old Widow, Rekindles Her Dream to Join Money Economy

According to President Museveni, Kisha is among the few Ugandans who listened to and successfully implemented the wealth creation messages. 


Like written many years ago in the Bible, Abraham and Sarah had to wait 25 years for their promised son, Isaac, to be born. Moses had to wait 40 years before leading the nation of Israel out of Egyptian captivity. David had to wait about 15 years between being anointed by Samuel as Israel’s next king and taking his rightful place on the throne.

In 1977, Rafania Kisha, aka Gogo, who is now 84 years old, a resident of Kween district, lost her 12 cows and her husband during a raid conducted by the Karamojong cattle rustlers.

Since then, she had been struggling to raise her six children under a thick thorn until recently when the government of Uganda introduced the Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE), where she earns a monthly pay.

Agogo Akisa Lovisa on Thursday while attending a Presidential public rally. Photo by Ronald Odongo

On Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni visited her model farm, which she started after receiving Shs1 million from the PDM. Kisha ventured into dairy farming and banana planting.

She told President Museveni she touched Shs1 million for the first time in her life when she got the PDM money.

To Kisha, PDM rekindled her dream to escape from living below the poverty line of earning less than a dollar a day and renewed her wish to join the money economy.

Kisha, 84 year old woman in Kween district whose hope to create wealth was rekindled by after receiving PDM money.

At Kisha’s home, a cow and its calf are her daily companions whose existence has tremendously face lifted the dream of earning money daily, a move that she believes will surely deliver into the wealth creation.

Rafanisa Kisha, 84, a PDM beneficiary in Kween district, now has two cows. She got Shs1million and used it to buy a cow that has given birth to a calf.

Her story, according to President Museveni, who visited her farm in Kween district on December 10th, 2024.

According to President Museveni, Kisha is among the few Ugandans who listened to and successfully implemented the wealth creation messages.

“Kisha is taking the first step to get out of poverty, so it is very important for everybody to wake up and get involved,” President Museveni said.

President Museveni said, “When I came to Sebei, I was happy I saw one farmer in Bukwo who heard my speech on wealth creation and went and visited my farm in Kawuku. He came back and started implementing. He is now a rich man,” President Museveni.

He noted that it is possible for every household to get into the money economy once they embrace the four-acre model farming strategy.

In the Sebei sub region, the president toured three model farms, launched the Teryet High Altitude Training Centre in the Kapchorwa district, met local leaders, and addressed a public rally in the Kween district.