Pay Attention to Plight of those in Prisons-Chief Justice

Owiny Dollo
Chief Justice, Alfonse Owiny Dollo (Center-sitting in a black suit) with the new Acting High Court Judges during the launch at Imperial Golf View Hotel, Entebbe. Courtesy photo

The Chief Justice, Alfonse Owiny Dollo has urged the Judges to pay attention to the problems of those in prisons by handling cases that directly impact on the country’s economic development programs, and matters that hint on socio-economic livelihood of the people.

He requested the Judges to embrace this obligation, while being guided by the law and the time-tested judicial practice.

Dollo made the remarks while presiding over a two-week residential induction of the new Acting Judges of the High Court organized by the Judicial Training Institute (JTI) at Imperial Golf View Hotel, Entebbe on November 13, 2023.

The aim of the induction is to provide the new Judges with the fundamental information and abilities required for their position.

The Chief Justice made an appeal to them to recognize the socio-economic situations in which they operate in order for them to make decisions that are suitable and welcomed by communities they serve.

Lady Justice Damalie N Lwanga, the Executive Director of JTI said that, the course is designed to ensure that the new Judges keep up to date with the new developments in jurisprudence.

“The course is designed to cover the most salient aspects that a Judge is likely to face in the course of dispensing justice, and to ensure that the new Judges keep abreast with the new developments in jurisprudence,” Lwanga said.

The Head of Civil Division-Justice Musa Ssekaana, Prossy Katushabe-the Acting Registrar Judicial Training Institute, Deputy Registrar-Gladys Nakibuule, Patricia Amoko-the Private Legal Secretary to Chief Registrar, Acting Deputy Registrar-Mulalira Faisal Umar, among others attended the induction.