On August 24, 2024, Pulinali Semanda, a businessman in Kalisizo, was ambushed and robbed of UGX 150 million shortly after withdrawing cash from Centenary Bank. The robbery was executed by armed men who held Semanda at gunpoint with an AK-47 rifle while one of the suspects took the money from his car. Following extensive investigations, police arrested several suspects involved in this robbery on September 6, 2024.
The ministry has been issuing titles, but the exercise was recently halted to critically resolve the matter. Now officials at MZO are worried that public outcry is going to be so much.
The 1st East African Conference on Disability Inclusive Higher Education is slated for November 13-14, 2024, at Kyambogo University, with the Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataha Museveni, expected as the chief guest.
The GROW loan project is a five-year program set to end in December 2027. The Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) Project is a Government of Uganda Project, funded by the World Bank, implemented by the Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development and the Private Sector Foundation Uganda in all districts, municipalities, and cities.
On January 10, 2024, a worker from Bidco Oil Palm Company was killed by a crocodile while working near the water. The incident occurred in Kalangala district, prompting local authorities to issue warnings about the dangers of crocodiles in the area. The Southern Regional Police Commander confirmed that the victim was attacked while fetching water from a nearby lake.
On Wednesday, November 6, 2024, parliament passed the Coffee Amendment Bill, which caused chaos in parliament after Francis Zaake (NUP) and Anthony Akol (FDC) exchanged blows over a chair.
In Uganda, 41% of the country's total area is experiencing degradation, and 12% is in a severe state of degradation, mostly soil erosion being a common form of degradation that is found on 85% of degraded roads that increases the government’s expenditure on road repairs.