E-Bus Xpress is an all-electric and modern mass transit vehicle in the country where its mass transportation services are safe, clean, and reliable for both passengers and goods, ensuring passengers experience an internal travel feel and reach their destination on time.
The government of Uganda, through its national policy on inclusive education, has paved the way for the empowerment of all the population through the education-for-all initiative, which was introduced in 1997 to ensure that all children, regardless of their disability, have access to quality education.
According to Catholic Church teachings, a person who has committed adultery cannot receive Holy Communion until they have repented and no longer have an adulterous relationship. The church considered adultery to be one of the most serious sins.
”We rolled out the Electronic Court Case Management System (ECMIS), an IT-based system that automates the entire process of a court case life cycle right from filing (e-filing) to archival (e-archival)."
Although Uganda's Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 2015 allows for the legal cultivation of medical marijuana under strict regulations, unauthorized farming remains illegal.
The alliance comprised leaders from the opposition political parties, such as JEEMA, the Conservative Party, and NEED, to fill gaps in previous and existing political alliances and push for democracy, financial freedom, constructive dialogue, and stakeholder leadership.