UMEME, the official electricity distributor in Uganda, has urged its clients to purchase enough Yaka units to avoid disruption during the system upgrade from Sunday, December 8, to Monday, December 9, 2024.
The EAC Regional Quality Awards not only spotlighted the best-performing companies but also emphasized the need for regional collaboration in improving business standards.
In 2024, Uganda has witnessed several alarming incidents of football-related violence, reflecting the intense rivalries among fans and the tragic outcomes that can ensue.
The comedians who have promised fans of rib-cracking comedy that include funny skits, topics, and questions will have the gates open to the public at 07:30 PM, and the attendees are expected to pay UGX 50,000 for silver, UGX 100,000 for VIP, and UGX 3M for a table of 10 people.