On March 27, 2024, the first reading was made in parliament with an Act to enact the National Coffee Act 2021. Act 17 of 2021 aims to dissolve the Coffee Development Authority and transfer its functions to the Ministry responsible for agriculture. This change aligns with the government policy on the rationalization of government agencies and public expenditures.
The shift towards regenerative agriculture in Uganda’s coffee sector is not only beneficial for the environment but also enhances the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, which has offered a promising model for sustainable coffee production that inspires similar efforts across the region.
The parasitic nature of these agencies and authorities promoted waste and parasitism. The 2016/2017 public resource spending figures showed that agencies and authorities were taking UGX 2.2 trillion and the ministries UGX 2.6 trillion with duplication of responsibilities. The conducted survey indicated that agencies like UCDA were corrupt and wasteful, with officers awarding themselves contracts, supplying poor-quality, overpriced materials, and not delivering on time.
The Eastern Uganda tour will begin in the Bukedi sub-region, where the president will evaluate the progress and impact of the PDM initiatives aimed at economic empowerment and grassroots development together with the local leaders, members of the public, selected model farmers, and the technical staff.
Agencies were found to be big spenders on allowances (sh362b), gratuity and NSSF (sh211b), travel (sh180b), fuel (sh59b), workshops (sh47b), consultancy services (sh75b), etc. On most of these items, agencies outspent ministries, yet the latter employed more people.
Baryomunsi pledges that the government will continue educating the public, even when Parliament has concluded the debate, so that Ugandans out there can appreciate, contrary to the lies and falsehoods that have been spewed out the last few days.
As the new contract doesn’t bring back the defined-benefit pension plan that got frozen nearly ten years ago, it does improve the matching contributions for employees’ 401(k) plans. The average yearly salary for machinists is expected to jump from $75,608 to $119,309 over the course of the contract.