Operation Shujaa Recovers War Weapons, Kills ADF Rebel 

Major Bilal Katamba, the Public Information Officer of the UPDF Operation Shujaa. File Photo

The Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), in a joint operation with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), have killed one terrorist belonging to the Allied Democratic Force (ADF) and recovered a collection of war weapons.

According to a statement released on May 9, 2024, by the UPDF Mountain Division Public Information Officer, Major Bilal Katamba, the weapons were found in Sector 3 near the River Taliha Bridge in North Kivu Province, in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

“During the intelligence-led operation conducted by the joint forces, 1 (60 mm) mortar, two rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) launchers, one RPG shell, one submachine gun (SMG), seven rounds of PKM, and one round of SMGs were recovered,” the statement read in part.

Major Bilal further said that the weapons are believed to have been hidden by the running rebels mid-last year when they were flashed out of Mwalika Valley by the joint forces and scattered northwest of the Beni Komanda road in Ituri province.

Bilal also noted that one ADF terrorist was put out of action and one SMG recovered on May 7, 2024, by the joint forces in the general areas of Masizi, 10 km northwest of Boga in Ituri province, in Sector 2 under Colonel Jackson Kayanja.

The joint forces continue to pursue the ADF terrorists in all four sectors where they operate. In June 2023, the joint operation also recovered more war materials from the rebels at Ndalia, northeast of Erengeti town in Ituri province, DR Congo.

During the operation,one Sub Machine Gun (SMG), one mortar (60mm), 44 rounds of ammunition, and four military radios were recovered.