OBONGI: Residents Applaud UNRA for Restoring Ferry Landing Site 

Sinyanya landing site in Obongi District

The communities of Obongi district have applauded the Uganda National Roads Authority, under the government of Uganda, for restoring the ferry landing site amidst the rising water levels that have so far displaced over 100 people.

According to Stephen Dradrya, a local at the Sinyanya landing site, the rising water levels have affected the docking of the ferry, which has affected its operation, and with UNRA, the different difficulties in accessing the site will be worked upon.

”It has left refugee aid organizations at stake because re-allocating refugees, transporting their food, and providing sanitary assistance are now done over long, tedious distances,” Dradrya said.

’’The business fraternity is now incurring losses from the long road distances they travel connecting to local markets, including quicker access to Gulu referral hospital, which has left them wondering when the restoration process will end to ease ferry movement’’ he added.

Recently, Resident District Commissioner Samuel Hashaka Mpimbaza said that this restoration will take some time on the Obongi side and also on the other side of the Adjumani Sinyanya landing site; however, there are efforts to do the best to see the works come to closure as soon as possible with the help of experts deployed by UNRA to carry out landing site restoration work.

’’The restoration of the ferry landing site is going to be a milestone because it is expected to restore the normal ferry landing site, which has been responsible for the transportation of patients to the referral hospitals since Obongi does not have district hospitals,’’ he said.

He added that the business community, refugees, and neighboring communities rely heavily on ferry transport.

The ferry landing sites at Obongi and Adumani are being threatened by water levels disrupting the docking of the ferry; however, action has been taken by the government of Uganda.