NEMA Tasks Manufacturers to Buy-Back Used Plastics

A man collecting used plastics

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has launched a nationwide campaign called Yonja Uganda.

The campaign is intended to sensitize the public against littering, waste, and plastics to protect the environment.

However, all producers of plastics are to establish an extended producer responsibility mechanism to buy back the plastics across the country so that they can be repurposed, reused, and recycled.

The Executive Director, Dr. Barirega Akankwasah, added that, unfortunately, less than 10 percent of this waste is collected and recycled. The rest ends up being burned in landfills and the environment, including water bodies. This situation presents a significant environmental challenge for Uganda.

‘’If they don’t comply, we have no option but to stop production since the law requires the mandatory labouring of plastics and a buyback system.” Akankwasah said

The National Environment Management Authority started out the anti-litter and waste management campaign at the Lukaya road toll market in Kalungu district.

The National Environment Management Authority of Uganda is a government agency responsible for monitoring, coordinating, supervising, and regulating the natural environment and the environmental policy of Uganda.