Parliamentary Accounts Committee Grills Nakasongola Top Officials over Ugx52 Million


Top officials from Nakasongola district have been grilled by the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee on Local Government to answer queries reflected in the Auditor General’s report.

The committee is investigating circumstances under which the officials used over Ugx52 Million to pay some six workers who had been irregularly recruited by the District Service Commission during the 2021–2022 financial year.
According to the report, the said workers had stayed on the government payroll for a period spanning between two and 22 years.

MP Gilbert Olanya of Kilak County, the Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee on Local Government, questioned the officials for failing to conduct financial management due diligence.

According to MP Olanya, the officials have been given until Monday, August 28, 2023, to reappear before the committee and present credible evidence justifying the actions they took against the workers.

The committee is currently investigating how the government lost Ugx19 Billion to 609 ‘teachers’ who forged teachers’ appointment letters and had been earning salaries for a period ranging between one and 39 years in 129 districts.