The China-Uganda Friendship Hospital-Naguru will be expanded and upgraded to a national referral hospital during the period of closure of one year.
Naguru General Hospital, also known as China-Uganda Friendship Hospital Naguru was built by Government of china as a gift to the Government of Uganda in which KCCA donated the 5-acre site where the hospital was built.
Naguru Hospital reports indicate that, previously, the government of Uganda contributed an estimated US$2 million (Ugx 4.8 billion) in tax waivers on construction materials used to build the hospital, landscaping, road access and licensing fees.

According to Anifa Kawooya, the State Minister for Health in-charge of General Duties, Naguru General Hospital is also meant to decongest Mulago hospital. It is the only general public hospital serving an estimated number of three million inhabitants of the Kampala Metropolitan Area and other referrals from across the country.
She noted that, during the closure period, the hospital will be expanded and upgrade to a National Referral Hospital with an inclusion of a trauma centre to treat the rising number of accident cases.
Kawooya said that, the hospital is intended to serve, primarily the residents of Nakawa division, Kampala Metropolitan and other Ugandans.
The facility, which opened its doors in December 2011, is made up of seven buildings, four operating rooms, a maternity ward, a paediatric unit, an adolescent health unit, a blood bank, a radiology department with a CT scanner, and staff housing. On January 10, 2012, the hospital was formally turned over to the Ugandan government to be jointly run by the (KCCA).
In reference to the ministry of health in charge of general duties Anifa kawooya the move is aimed at decongesting Mulago National Referral and give specialized care to the victims.