Mixing Juveniles with Adults in Mubende Prisons Creates New Generation of Criminals- District Leaders

Juveniles in prison

District leaders in Mubende district are worried about the increasing cases of crimes committed by juveniles in Buwekula County and the surrounding areas.

According to the district leaders and the probation officers, the high crime rate by juveniles is a result of being detained with adult suspects and criminals in the same prisons and police cells.

While speaking to journalists on April 25, 2024, Maria Ndagire, the Mubende Probation Officer, said that the district currently does not have a reception centre for juveniles, which is why they are arrested, put into police cells, and sent to prison with adult suspects and criminals who corrupt them with hard-core knowledge on how to commit brutal crimes.

Ndagire added that they need to fight against putting juveniles and adult criminals in the same prisons and police cells.

”Currently, we have many cases of juveniles committing crimes like theft and murder and over 100 juveniles arrested in Mubende district, and if we construct a reception centre, it will not only benefit Mubende district but also the surrounding areas because we are facing the same problem,’’ Ndagire revealed.

Ndagire highlighted that they need UGX 94 million to build a reception centre where juveniles who commit crimes and break the law are detained.

Mubende District Police Commander Ayatollah Kapchemuti welcomed the idea of constructing a reception centre for the juveniles and said that they have been facing the challenge of limited space, which is why juveniles were put in the same prison and police cells as adult criminals.