Ministry of Public Service Launches Clients Charter to Ensure Service Delivery Excellence

The prime role of the Ministry of Public Service is to develop and supervise the implementation of human resource policies, management systems, procedures, and structures for public services.

Catherine Bitarakwate, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Public Service. Courtesy photo

The Ministry of Public Service has launched the client chatter to unveil the service delivery standards to the citizenry with the aim of promoting excellence.

According to Catherine Bitarakwate, the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Public Service, the chatter enables clients and stakeholders to access information on the salient services, standards, commitments, and services that the ministry promises to offer.

She added that the ministry will inform its clients of the different services they offer and spell out the rights and obligations of their clients, establish commitments and service standards, provide mechanisms for clients to monitor the performance of the Ministry of Public Service, and improve feedback, among others.

“Our strategic objectives and commitments include strengthening accountability for results and responsiveness to citizens’ needs in the public service performance management systems across government, streamlining government structures and systems for efficient and effective service delivery to facilitate the attainment of the national development agenda,” Bitarakwate said.

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Bitarakwate made the remarks while launching the client chatter at the Ministry of Public Services in Kampala on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

“We are set to give effect to all systems, structures, and human resources that provide services to government ministries, departments, and agencies, such as payroll and pension management and the creation of organizational structures, among others,” she added.

She further appealed to the ministry’s clients, such as local governments, parliament, judiciary, non-government organizations, training institutions, and civil society organizations, among others, to continue seeking guidance and support from the ministry for effective development of the country.

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According to Wilson Muruli Mukasa, the Minister of Public Service, the strategic intent of the ministry is to maintain a public service that is affordable, efficient, and accountable in steering rapid economic growth and social transformation.

“This client charter contains commitments and standards designed to strengthen the responsiveness of the ministry to the growing expectations of citizens,” Mukasa said.

The prime role of the Ministry of Public Service is to develop and supervise the implementation of human resource policies, management systems, procedures, and structures for public services.