MASAKA: Head-on Collision Leaves Two Dead

Fuso milk tanker registration number UBB 905, involved in an accident

Two people have been declared dead following a head-on collision accident on the Mbarara-Masaka highway.

The accident occurred at 11 a.m. on Friday, August 16, 2024, in Sanga Town Council, along Masaka-Mbarara High Way.

According to Eye and witnesses, the accident happened when a Fuso milk tanker registration number UBB 905 coming from Masaka collided with another Fuso truck registration number UBG 727P coming from Mbarara, killing two individuals.

According to Rwizi Region Police Spokesperson Samson Kasasira, the deceased were identified as Eric Mugabe, 48, of Kyazanga in Lwengo district, and Abubakar Gumisiriza of Isingiro district.

”There is, however, one survivor of the accident who happens to be the driver of a milk tanker vehicle, but his name is yet to be known. He survived with severe injuries and was rushed to Mbarara Referral Hospital,” Kasasira said.

“Bodies were taken by the deceased relatives from Kyazanga before police arrived at the scene,” Kasasira reported.

According to Kasasira, the police attributed the cause of the accident to reckless driving by the two drivers, and authorities have taken several actions in response to the tragic accident, including police investigation, victim support, road safety measures, and raising awareness.