LAKE NYINAMBUGA: A Scenic Crater Lake Engraved on 20,000 Uganda Shillings Note

Nyinambuga Crater Lake
Lake Nyinambuga, a scenic Crater Lake located in Kabarole District, Western Uganda that is engraved on a 20,000 Uganda Shillings Note. Courtesy photo

When it comes to beauty, Uganda is just incomparable because of her tourist fascinations. On the far western side of Uganda lies a little-known gem, Lake Nyinambuga, which is a scenic Crater Lake located in Kabarole district.

Lake Nyinambuga is one of the beautiful landscapes of crater lakes cupped under steep hillsides that offer amazing, beautiful scenery of the Pearl of Africa.

With its crystalline blue water and unrivalled beauty, Lake Nyinambuga is a crater lake at the belly of a dormant volcano. With no water inlets, it is considered to have the cleanest and freshest water.

The Crater Lake, found on the southern side of Fort Portal tourism city, is credited with its incomparably scenic walking, road cycling, and bird-watching tours, and in the surrounding cultivated area, a significant number of primates and bird-life can be spotted.

Lake Nyinambuga is among the Ndali-Kasenda crater lakes in Kibale National Park, which are a natural wonder and a must-see on your trip to Uganda.

Some of the beautiful Ndali Kasenda Crater Lakes of Kibale include Lake Nkuruba, Lake Nyinambuga, and Lake Kifuruka, among others. The history and formation of crater lakes in Uganda date back to 10,000 years, when violent volcanic eruptions occurred, which left behind several scenic crater lakes.

A combination of these lakes forms an eye-catching environment worth visiting on top of your Uganda safari tour.

Lake Nyinambuga is engraved on the 20,000 Uganda Shillings note, and the unique features on the different current notes represent the different aspects, beauty, sectors, and landmarks within Uganda.

Take a trip to Western Uganda, then you can trail past the Rwitampugu lava pipe, a place of punishment where those sentenced to death by the Omukama of Tooro would be pushed off (okusenda) the rim into the deep, empty Crater to meet their deaths. This practice gave the name ‘Kasenda’ to the entire area.

Be sure to carry a swimsuit on your tour to enjoy a water massage at Mahoma Falls in the neighbourhood of Nyinambuga or swim in Lake Mwamba to enjoy the beauty of the Pearl of Africa.