Lt. Col Emmy Katabazi, the Deputy DG ISO
Lt. Col Emmy Katabazi, the Deputy DG ISO during the workshop at Hotel Triangle-Mbarara

The Deputy Director General (DG) of Internal Security Organization (ISO), Lt. Col Emmy Katabazi has urged the Resident District Commissioners (RDCs), Resident City Commissioners (RCCs) and the District Internal Security Officers (DISOs) to embrace revolutionary methods of work to cause a permanent change in the country.

He made the remarks while chairing a meeting that was held at Hotel Triangle in Mbarara City on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at the ongoing two-day capacity building workshop that is being attended by RDCs, RCCs and DISOs from Ankole and Kigezi sub-regions in western Uganda.

“Some people think that change is like demolishing a slam and replacing it with a skyscraper. This is not true because, when I speak of a revolution, I mean change in all processes which include Physical, chemical and biological,” Lt. Col Katabazi said.

Ankole and Kigezi Sub-region RDCs, RCCs and DISOs attending a workshop at Hotel Triangle in Mbarara City

While addressing the members, he encouraged the officers to study the community/society in order to understand its operations, adding that it’s the only way through which they will be able to cause change in all processes of the society.

“So, society is very complex and as a leader, you are in charge of causing change in the society, therefore, a revolution is a complete change in society composition including behavior, outlook and culture. And those who cause change are called revolutionists and the processes of causing change is what we call a revolution, “ he said.

Lt. Col Katabazi tipped officers on how a revolution can take place emphasizing that there must be conditions that trigger the revolution. He cited the problems in society such as poor education standards, corruption, and poor infrastructure, among others.

Based on the conditions, the Deputy Director General urged the officers to appreciate the revolutionary methods of work which aim at service delivery regardless of society as a whole.

“There must be somebody to analyze the society and answer its needs like the 1981-armed officers who created the National Resistance Army (NRA) to create change which Uganda celebrates today,” he said.

Lt. Col Katabazi explained that revolutionists are those people who are conscious and can read indicators of where change can take place.

“And changing a society completely means changing the way people think, act and live. That is what we call fundamental change,” he said.

He tasked RDCs, RCCs, and DISOs to spearhead changes in their respective areas by laboring to ensure that all public programs like the Parish Development Model (PDM), Emyooga, among others are fully implemented to improve household livelihood and socio-economic transformation of the country.