Indian National Loses Ugx 500M to Thugs in Iganga

The assailants, armed with machetes and hammers, smashed his car window and demanded the cash he was carrying in a large black bag in exchange for his life.


Police in Iganga are actively searching for a group of armed thieves who attacked an Indian national, making away with a sum of 500 million shillings.

The victim, whose name remains withheld, was robbed on his way to the Bank of Baroda in Iganga district on February 4, 2025, in Kasokoso village, Iganga TC sub-county.

ASP Michael Kafayo, the Busoga East police spokesperson, said the assailants drove a vehicle past the victim right as he was driving outside his gate, attacked him, and made away with the cash.

The assailants, armed with machetes and hammers, smashed his car window and demanded the cash he was carrying in a large black bag in exchange for his life.

’’This theft was an inside job done by people close to the victim or sabotage from trusted associates because it is so strange that these robbers were aware of the victim’s movements and the substantial amount of money he was carrying.’’ Kafayo stated.

The police recognized a wave of organized robbery incidents in the Busoga region and emphasized the need for caution among those dealing with large cash transactions.

Kafayo advised individuals handling large sums of money to alternatively hire additional security during their routine bank visits to avoid target robberies.

The recent robbery incident in Iganga involving an Indian national highlights the growing concerns over the rise in organized and violent thefts involving vehicle blockades in the Busoga region.

This alarming trend mirrors similar cases, such as the January 22, 2024 incident in Iganga, where police arrested five suspects linked to a notorious gang responsible for multiple robberies, including the theft of 100 million shillings from a businessman in Iganga. The gang employed ambush tactics and vehicle blockades and was known for using camouflage uniforms to deceive their victims.

As police continue their search for the armed thieves responsible for this brazen attack, it is crucial for the community to remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their assets. The involvement of sophisticated tactics, such as vehicle blockades and potential insider knowledge, underscores the need for heightened security measures among individuals handling large sums of money.