Holding Urine for Long Predisposes to Dangerous Illnesses, Says Expert


The bladder can hold up to 500 ml for women and 700 ml for men of urine between two and five hours, but holding up urine for too long can weaken the bladder muscles over a period of time, which can lead to problems like kidney disorders and urinary tract infection, according to Dr. Daniel Opio, a medical officer at Dr. Bata Memorial Hospital Entebbe.

He said holding urine predisposes to recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bladder stones.

“Bladder emptying should be done whenever you feel the urge, though emptying can be related to behavioral activity; some people only urinate in the morning and evening. It is advisable that you don’t hold urine, as it causes UTIs. Urine has medical effects such as weakening the bladder muscles, damage to the pelvic floor muscles, and kidney stones. This is because holding your urine for long periods strains your bladder muscles over time; it can cause you to have trouble completely emptying your bladder,” said Dr. Opio.

Dr. Opio advises that taking plenty of water is necessary, especially during the hot season, to keep hydrated. The amount of water you take on a sunny day may not be the same as on a cold day, but the principle is to keep hydrated.

He, however, also states that one’s weight may determine the amount of water one takes in, as a heavier person will have to take in more than a lighter person.