Uganda Registers High Influx of Travelers due to Covid-19 Elimination at Katuna Border

Travelers lining up at an Immigration office
Travelers lining up at an Immigration office at Katuna border for clearance. Courtesy photo

Uganda through the Immigration office at Katuna border has registered an increased number of travelers crossing from Rwanda to Uganda after the abolition of Covid-19 tests at the border point.

According to Simon Mundeyi, the Public Relation Officer (PRO) at Immigration, Katuna started registering an overwhelming number of travelers after the suspension of Covid-19 tests that were mandatory on the Rwandese side of the border.

“Two weeks ago, the first influx of the Rwandese was registered to have crossed to Uganda in the name of burial. But before, the Rwandan nationals were not allowed to cross into Uganda unless they had paid 10,000 Rwandan Francs, (about Shs 20 ,000) each for a Covid-19 PCR test, which many ordinary citizens could not afford,” Mundeyi said.

Mundeyi said that after the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions by the Rwandan authorities on their nationals crossing into Uganda, through the Katuna and Kyanika border posts in Kabale and Kisoro districts respectively, there is a high number of travelers coming to Uganda for trade.

Soter Kabyogamu, a Senior Immigration Officer stated that, the move has led to an instant business boom but also an overwhelming number of travelers having to be cleared at the border.

“We are so grateful to the government of Rwanda for having lifted the travel restrictions. It is almost two weeks now since the Covid-19 PCR tests were stopped thus giving chance to ordinary Rwandans to cross the border for trade,” Kabyogamu said.

However, the PRO of Immigration dismissed the claims of immigration officials complaining of being understaffed as claimed by some radio stations. He noted that they only need to restructure officers to start working in shifts, adding that, they have enough staff.

The one-stop-border-post arrangements were operationalized and the number of travelers from border countries have increased to 1,500 per day compared to the past where the number was 1,000 because the travelers had to go through clearance.