Fight Corruption in Action not Words—FDC to Museveni

“Museveni should stop complaining about corrupt officials, yet he can just order their arrest."

John Kikonyogo, the FDC party spokesperson addressing the presser at the party headquarters in Najjanankumbi, Kampala. Photo by: Emmanuel Oluka

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party has called upon President Museveni to take action in the fight against corruption, saying that the president said he has all the evidence of corrupt officials but has only been able to arrest four officials.

In a party press conference held on July 8, 2024, at the FDC party headquarters in Najjanankumbi, Kampala, the party spokesperson, John Kikonyogo, said that as FDC, they have never taken President Museveni’s fight against corruption seriously, adding that he is only complaining like any other Ugandan but no action has been taken.

“Museveni should stop complaining about corrupt officials, yet he can just order their arrest. He should also not act like he’s doing us a favor to protest against corruption but take it as one of his roles since we, the taxpayers, pay him to do his job,” he said.

The spokesperson added that President Museveni recently sent a letter to the parliament indicating that the country has lost over Ugx 3.7 trillion in the last four years to corruption, claiming that he has all the evidence to pin the corrupt officials with promises of arrests and investigations to be made.

“Museveni says he has the evidence, but only four officials have been arrested, which leaves us questioning whether the four are responsible for the loss of Ugx 3.7 trillion or is the President protecting the corrupt, which is a habit nowadays,” Kikonyogo added.

Kikonyogo further noted that, as FDC, they suggest that those arrested for corruption scandals should refund the money lost or their properties should be sold to recover the stolen money.

“If the Ugx 3.7 trillion could be recovered by the government, that money could help work on our very bad roads and build schools and hospitals, which will benefit the nation at large,” he noted.

This comes after the outcry of corruption scandals in the country, which has been called out by civil society, the public at large, and the president himself against government officials who are involved in corruption.