FDC Amuriat Slams Gov’t for Reallocating Local Council Election Funds

Engineer Patrick Amuriat Oboi, the FDC party President addressing media during a press conference at Najjanankumbi party Headquarters in Kampala on Monday, October 30, 2023. File Photo

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) president, Patrick Amuriat, has criticized the government’s decision to reallocate funding earmarked for the Local Council I and II elections to other priorities.

During an interview with a local radio station, Patrick Amuriat stated that the fact that the leaders of LC I and LC II were last elected in 2018, which is a 17-year gap since the previous elections, is a glaring indication that the government has failed in its mission to promote democracy in the country.

“The government is making an effort to avoid doing what it did, which was to establish numerous villages but then hold no elections. They should inform the country if they don’t believe they’re a priority,” Amuriat said.

In an interview earlier this week, Ramathan Ggoobi, Permanent Secretary of Finance and Secretary to the Treasury, acknowledged the reallocation of funds, which was later confirmed by the Local Government Minister Raphael Magyezi, who stated that the term of office for LC 1 and 2 had been extended for another 180days beginning January 6, 2024, due to lack of funds.

Some political leaders, like Ssemujju Ibrahim Nganda and Nobert Mao, noted that delaying or neglecting local elections weakens community voice and undermines accountability since the local councils are the closest government to the people.