Delay in Renovating Karuma Bridge raises Concern Among Legislators

Karuma Bridge

A section of MPs has complained about the current state of the Karuma Bridge in addition to the poor state of roads and bridges in the northern part of Uganda.

According to MPs, the delay in repairing the bridge has led to increased crime rates, prostitution, and environmental degradation, and the local community has not seen the envisioned modernization and development benefits.

Hon. Musa Ecweru, the State Minister for Works, while speaking at the ongoing regional Parliamentary sitting at Gulu on August 29, 2024, has however revealed that the government is revamping the Packwach bridge, which is currently only used by light vehicles.

He said that the concerns come at a time when the government is considering a complete closure of the Karuma bridge after discovering that four of its support falls have dissolved in water.

The Minister assured the legislators that a team of engineers has been dispersed to redesign and rectify the parts of the bridge that are causing major concerns.

“In the next few days, the team will now be working on the surface. I am going to allow the permanent closure for a few weeks so that the surface of the road is also done. We know for sure that this discussion will inconvenience our people, but we have chosen the security and safety of our lives and the property,” Ecweru said.

The government closed the Karuma bridge to all lorries and trailers on May 6, 2024, and only passenger vehicles carrying up to 28 passengers were allowed to pass. The 250-meter bridge was first constructed in 1963.