Sunday, September 29, 2024

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    Machete-Wielding Thugs Kill Couple in Bukomansimbi over Land Dispute

    Recent reports indicate a troubling surge in violence linked to land disputes in Bukomansimbi and surrounding areas, particularly in Greater Masaka. Police recently reported that between July 22 and August 23, 2024, at least 15 people had been killed in attacks attributed to land conflicts, with many incidents occurring in Bukomansimbi, Lwengo, and Masaka districts.

    Kabuleta Rallies Ugandans to Decline Proposal of MPs Electing...

    Among the reforms that Mao was suggesting was for the court to allow the petitioners of the presidential election more time to collect and file evidence.

    Uganda to Celebrate African Traditional Medicine Day with Focus...

    The celebration of African Traditional Medicine Day not only honors the rich heritage of traditional healing practices but also aims to integrate these methods into national health systems, enhancing their recognition and regulatory frameworks across Africa.

    Lukwago Accuses Electoral Commission of Dodging Them during New...

    The Secretary of the Electoral Commission, Leonard Mulekwah, wrote a letter instructing the People's Front for Freedom Party to comply with the Political Parties and Organizations Act of 2005, which prohibits registering political parties or organizations with names or symbols already in use by other registered parties.

    Uganda police Warn Public on Environmental Safety Measures

    Some parents or managers prefer digging wells to provide water for consumption to minimize costs; however, they don't mind the children's safety around the compound.

    URC Temporary Suspends Passenger Train Service along Kampala-Namanve Route

    On May 1, 2024, URC reopened the Kampala-Namanve passenger railway service after it was closed in 2023 for renovation. URC currently operates four trips—two in the morning and two in the evening—between Kampala and Namanve at UGX 2,000 per trip, with a daily average of 1,600 passengers.

    Association of Surgeons to Perform 2500 Surgeries at No...

    Over 2500 surgeries are expected to be performed at no cost by a team of 280 surgeons from the Association of Surgeons of Uganda (ASOU) and other health specialists from the Ministry of Health in the Ankole Subregion.

    Sombe Soup and its Health Benefits

    Sombe soup, particularly made with fresh cassava leaves, is a nutritious and flavorful traditional soup cherished in many East and West African cultures.
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