Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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    dont miss a beat

    SG Guterres Calls for a Total Ban on Nuclear Testing

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has urged all nations to come together and put an end to nuclear testing once and for all.

    Vice President Alupo Tips Women on Efficient Utilization of...

    The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, Rt. Major Jessica Alupo, has advised that women entrepreneurs set to benefit from the GROW loan project have a clear business plan before they apply for loans.

    PSST Encourages Ambassadors to Drive Uganda’s 10-Fold Growth Strategy 

    he Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury (PSST) Ramathan Ggoobi has urged Ambassadors to creatively carry out their duties in line with the 10-fold growth strategy by promoting and marketing Uganda to potential tourists, Uganda’s exports, and attracting more investors.

    Rubaga Residents Call for Action Against Rising Crime Around...

    Residents in Rubaga division have called upon more police patrols around the Rubaga Cathedral Church and Centenary Bank branch in Rubaga due to the increased robberies, theft of motor vehicles, and boda bodas that park around the said areas.


    The government of Uganda, with support from the World Bank, has launched the GROW project, financed by a grant from the World Bank worth USD 217 million, to boost women enterprises.

    Speaker Defends Regional Sittings, Clears LoP Claims

    The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, has upheld the government’s initiative to hold the regional sittings of Parliament in the four regions of the country.

    GULU: Speaker Blocks Ssekikubo’s Censure Motion Against Parliament Commissioners 

    The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, has rejected attempts by Theodore Ssekikubo, the MP for Lwemiyaga County, to introduce a censure motion against four commissioners of Parliament.

    New Karuma Bridge Construction Set to Begin in 2026

    The government is set to construct a new bridge at Karuma along the Gulu-Westnile Highway
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