Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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    MOYO: Abandoned Explosive Blasts, Injures Four Juveniles 

    Police in Moyo District are investigating an incident where four juveniles were injured by an abandoned explosive at Ariya Village in Moyo Sub-county, Moyo District.

    Parliament Approves National Transitional Justice Bill to Address Historical...

    Parliament has granted leave to Charles Onen, the Gulu East Member of Parliament, to present a private member's bill to enact a law on the National Transitional Justice System, which seeks to provide a platform for reconciliation and accountability when national conflicts occur.

    Museveni warns Leaders against Politicizing Free Government Education 

    President Museveni has issued a firm warning to the leaders of the Lango sub-region against politicizing free government education.

    Delay in Renovating Karuma Bridge raises Concern Among Legislators

    A section of MPs has complained about the current state of the Karuma Bridge in addition to the poor state of roads and bridges in the northern part of Uganda.

    Ggoobi Unveils Strategies to Grow Uganda’s Economy to USD...

    The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development, Ramathan Ggoobi, has presented the economic strategies that are set to trigger swift growth of Uganda's economy from USD 50 billion to USD 100 billion by 2040.

    Parliament Considers Private Member’s Bill to Allow Opposition MPs...

    The 11th parliament of Uganda, sitting in Gulu City, has granted leave to Richard Lumu, the Democratic Party MP for Mityana South, to present a private member’s bill, allowing all opposition MPs to participate in the election of their Leader of Opposition and Chief Opposition Whip.

    SG Guterres Calls for a Total Ban on Nuclear Testing

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, has urged all nations to come together and put an end to nuclear testing once and for all.

    Vice President Alupo Tips Women on Efficient Utilization of...

    The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda, Rt. Major Jessica Alupo, has advised that women entrepreneurs set to benefit from the GROW loan project have a clear business plan before they apply for loans.
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