Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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    dont miss a beat

    KYOTERA: Minister Kasolo Orders Arrest of Two PDM Officials...

    The Minister of State for Microfinance and Small Enterprises, Hon. Haruna Kasolo, has ordered the Kyotera District Police Commander...


    The State Minister for Gender and Culture, Peace Mutuzo, has announced that the 9th edition of the Karamoja cultural festival will bring peace to people in the sub-region, more so the Karamajong and Itesots.

    Ugandans React to Shakib, JK Corporate Boxing Match

    Ugandans have reacted to the boxing match between socialite Shakib Cham, real names Shakib Lutaaya, and legendary media personality JK, real names Dave J. Kazoora.

    KCCA to Conduct Public Awareness Campaigns on Garbage Sorting

    The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has recruited a manpower set to move around different villages in Kampala, teaching the best ways in which garbage should be sorted before collection.

    Kagame Dismisses Maj. Gen. Nzaramba, 20 Officers from RDF

    The President of the Republic of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, has dismissed Maj. Gen. Martin Nzaramba, Col. Dr. Etienne Uwimana, and 19 other senior and junior officers from the Rwanda Defence Force (RDF).

    Among Shouldn’t Have Stolen Iron Sheets Meant for Northern...

    The Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Joel Ssenyonyi, has refuted claims made by Speaker Anita Among, who said that MPs who boycotted the regional parliamentary sittings in Gulu City are selfish and disrespectful to the people of Northern Uganda.

    MOYO: Abandoned Explosive Blasts, Injures Four Juveniles 

    Police in Moyo District are investigating an incident where four juveniles were injured by an abandoned explosive at Ariya Village in Moyo Sub-county, Moyo District.

    Parliament Approves National Transitional Justice Bill to Address Historical...

    Parliament has granted leave to Charles Onen, the Gulu East Member of Parliament, to present a private member's bill to enact a law on the National Transitional Justice System, which seeks to provide a platform for reconciliation and accountability when national conflicts occur.
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