Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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    Ntoroko Leaders Turn to Government for Relief after Floods...

    The Ntoroko residents from areas prone to floods had in the past requested the government of Uganda to relocate them to a small part of the neighboring Semuliki wildlife reserve; however, the discussion has not yet been fully concluded.

    Police Reiterate Call for Road Safety after Masaka Highway...

    The Kampala-Masaka road has been considered the scene of several crashes in recent years, with poor driving practices and disregard for traffic regulations contributing to the high number of fatalities.

    KENYA: Deadly Head-on Crash at Nithi Bridge Claims 12...

    The Nithi Bridge area has a notorious reputation for road accidents, with previous incidents leading to significant fatalities. For example, on April 7, 2024, four people died and several others were injured when the driver of a Kensilver bus lost control while descending the slope into the infamous spot between Chogoria and Chuka towns in Tharaka Nithi county.

    Fatal Accident Claims Eight Lives on Kampala-Masaka Highway

    Eyewitnesses linked the fatal accident to reckless driving. The Kampala-Masaka road has been the scene of several crashes in recent years, with poor driving practices and disregard for traffic regulations contributing to the high number of fatalities.

    Legandary Musician Chameleone Rewards Associates while Celebrating 25 Years...

    Chameleone excited the fans when he asked socialite Hussein Zari about the husband's whereabouts.

    Physicians Reveal an Increase in Respiratory Diseases in Uganda

    Makerere University Lung Institute has revealed that Uganda is experiencing an increase in infections of flue, cough, and other...

    KENYA: Four Coast Guard Officers Survive Boat Accident on...

    Four Coast Guard officers have survived death after the Coast Guard boat they were traveling in developed mechanical problems...


    Peruth Chemutai has set a new national record time of 8.48.03 in the women's 3000m steeplechase at the Wanda...
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