BREAKING: Former UNBS Boss Arrested

David Livingstone
David Livingstone Ebiru (in a black coat), the former UNBS Executive Director. Courtesy photo

The office of the Inspector General of Government-IGG, has on Wednesday afternoon, July 26, 2023, arrested the former Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Executive Director, David Livingstone Ebiru, on accounts of Bribery.

David Livingstone Ebiru, while appearing before COSASE claimed to have bribed the members of the National Standards Council (NSC) Board with Shs 100million, to secure his term in office.

The arrest comes after Anne Twinomugisha Muhairwe, the Deputy IGG, ordered for his arrest on allegations of corruption, which he neglected to address when summoned by the IGG.

However, Ebiru later said that the statements were made out of anger and he only wanted to put competition on the Council Chairperson, Charles Maseruka who had gone tough on him in the interrogation.

According to the office of the IGG, Ebiru will be arraigned in the Anti-Corruption Court.

David Livingstone Ebiru was forced to resign six weeks before handing in his resignation letter.