Beauty Queen, MP Cecilia Ogwal Succumbs To Cancer

Member of Parliament for the Dokolo District Women’s Constituency and Former Beauty Queen Cecilia Barbara Atim Ogwal

The Member of Parliament for the Dokolo District Women’s Constituency and contestant in the first beauty pageant in Uganda, Cecilia Barbara Atim Ogwal, has succumbed to cancer at the age of 77.

According to Paul Omar, MP for Otuke County, the passing of Cecilia comes as a shock.

“She has been an icon. We have lost a great person. My condolences go to the Husband Ogwal and the children. May the Lord receive her in glory,” Omar said.

She has been a member of Uganda’s legislature continuously since 1996.

Ogwal, who was born on June 12, 1946, was a management consultant, a politician, and a businesswoman. Ogwal has been serving as a member of the parliamentary Committee on Physical Infrastructure, in charge of overseeing and covering policy matters related to Lands, Housing, Urban development, Works and Transport, and Physical Planning.

In 1969, at the age of 23, she competed in the first Miss Uganda pageant and only made it to the finals. However, the media branded her as Miss Uganda, overshadowing the real winner, who was from Fort Portal.

Right: Finalist of Miss Uganda 1969 Cecilia Barbara Atim Ogwal posing with officials and fellow Finalist

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