Sunday, July 7, 2024

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    Author: Ronald Odongo

    High Court Trashes Byarugaba’s Attempt to Regain his Position as NSSF Boss

    The High Court sitting in Kampala has dismissed an attempt by Richard Byarugaba seeking to overturn the decision of Minister of Gender, Labour, and...

    Gen. Kainerugaba Mourns Death of Kenyan CDF

    The Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF) has extended condolences upon the demise of Kenyan Chief of Defense Forces, General Francis Omondi Ogolla, and nine...

    Gov’t to Borrow over Ugx400Billion to Upgrade Kitgum Tourism Road

    The government has presented a loan request seeking to borrow more than four hundred billion shillings from Standard Chartered Bank to upgrade the 116-kilometre...

    Parliament Orders UCC to Tighten Laws on Fake News Perpetrators

    The Uganda Communication Commission (UCC) has been ordered by Parliament to tighten its grip on fake news and malicious information perpetrators on social media. While...

    MPs Want Gov’t to Allocate Worth Ugx 2.5 Billion to Uganda Rugby Team

    Members of Parliament (MPs) have asked the government to okay the allocation of over Ugx 2 billion to the Uganda Rugby team as it...

    Ugandan-Banyarwanda Petition Parliament over Segregation, Harassment

    The Ugandan Banyarwanda communities have petitioned Parliament, protesting the unbearable segregation and harassment by government agencies. In a petition presented by MP Joseph Ssewungu (Kalungu...

    Hamz Nakivubo Stadium Still Unfit to Host International Match-FUFA Boss

    Hamz Nakivubo Stadium, formerly referred to as Nakivubo Stadium at Nakivubo War Memorial Grounds, which was recently listed to host AFCON games, has been...

    ISO, UBOS Assure Ugandans of a Successful 2024 National Census

    The Internal Security Organization (ISO) and the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) have assured Ugandans that they are ready to deliver the forthcoming national...

    MPs Ask Gov’t to Engage the English Premier League to Promote Tourism

    Members of Parliament have tasked the government with mooting a proposal that will enable Uganda to partner with the Premier League to advertise massively...

    Khan Logistics Driver Shot-Dead over Affairs with Married Woman

    The police have launched an investigation to ascertain the circumstances that led to the murder of a driver with Khan Logistics, a private company...

     Speaker Directs Minister Ogwang to Account for the Construction of Namboole Stadium

    The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among, has directed Peter Ogwang, the State Minister for Sports, to present a statement on the...

    DISPUTE: MP Kaberuka Calls Kanungu Deputy RDC Rugaaju a ‘Lunatic’

    The dispute between the Kinkiizi West County Member of Parliament, James Kaberuka, and the Kanungu Deputy Resident Commissioner, Gad Ahimbisibwe Rugaaju, has deepened as...

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