Uganda, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is intending to engage the government of the United Kingdom over the recent sanctions imposed on three...
Dr. Jimmy Spire Ssentongo, known for his controversial editorial cartoons, has received the prestigious European Union Human Rights Defenders Award 2024.
This was announced on...
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has rallied Ugandans to ensure full participation in the forthcoming 6th national Population and Housing Census slated for May 10,...
On April 24, 2024, hundreds of Ugandans, including top government officials, flooded various social media channels to congratulate the Chief of Defence Forces, General...
The government has rallied parents and other education partners to prioritize physical exercise and interaction (play) for children to better their well-being in society.
The Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF) has extended condolences upon the demise of Kenyan Chief of Defense Forces, General Francis Omondi Ogolla, and nine...
The government has presented a loan request seeking to borrow more than four hundred billion shillings from Standard Chartered Bank to upgrade the 116-kilometre...
The Uganda Communication Commission (UCC) has been ordered by Parliament to tighten its grip on fake news and malicious information perpetrators on social media.
The Ugandan Banyarwanda communities have petitioned Parliament, protesting the unbearable segregation and harassment by government agencies.
In a petition presented by MP Joseph Ssewungu (Kalungu...