The Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) have successfully recruited a total of 83 applicants in the Elgon Sub-region as part of the nationwide recruitment exercise.
The African Confederation for Cooperative Savings and Credit Associations (ACCOSCA) has recognized Wazalendo Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (WSACCO) as a model SACCO in Uganda and one of the top ten fastest-growing SACCOs in Africa.
The URA laboratory tests the alcohol strength, total soluble solids, sugar content, and acidity for fruit juices and beverages, as well as the alcohol content, specific gravity, and methanol detection for alcoholic beverages.
The visit underscores the growing strategic partnership between Uganda and China as the two nations continue to strengthen their ties in the military and economic spheres.
Prioritize needs over wants, avoid debt, and build emergency funds, as these habits can ensure financial stability, reduce stress, and help them achieve their long-term goals and stability.
"The UPDF has greatly benefited from the training support provided by the Global Security Service Group, and we are grateful for this fruitful partnership," Maj Gen Bakasumba said.
The legislators on the Committee of Commissions, Statutory Authorities, and State Enterprises (COSASE) have grilled the Executive Director of the National Environmental Management Authority...
Local leaders from the Karamoja and Acholi sub regions have reaffirmed their commitment to ending the long-standing dispute and criminality in the area.
This was...
“The development of a comprehensive climate change and environmental security strategy is a crucial step in addressing the security implications of this global challenge.”
The ruling NRM and its leaders are fortified in the belief that as long as they can master the numbers to support the party, President Museveni will always pardon them, even in the face of corrupt practices.