Saturday, June 29, 2024

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    Author: Dorothy Burungi

    "The UPDF has greatly benefited from the training support provided by the Global Security Service Group, and we are grateful for this fruitful partnership," Maj Gen Bakasumba said.
    Be disciplined and intelligent in order to have a good reputation and representation.

    Uganda Cancer Institute Rejects Appeal by MPs to Stop Charging Patients at Private Wing

    The Executive Director of the Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI), Dr. Jackson Orem, has rejected an appeal by the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) to...

    The National Housing and Population Census is an Important Exercise if Conducted Prudently—Kizza Besigye

    Col (Rtd) Dr. Kizza Besigye, a political and human rights activist, has said that the National Housing and Population Census (NHPC) is an important...

    CENSUS: UPDF Officers Urged to Provide Correct Information to Enumerators for Proper National Planning

    Major Charles Mukhama Wasirwa, the 3rd Division Political Commissar of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF), also doubling as the census exercise supervisor, has...

    DHL, Absa Uganda to Empower 800 Ugandan SMEs to Conquer Export Markets

    DHL Domestic Uganda has partnered with Absa Uganda with the aim of empowering 800 Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to enable them to break...

    KARAMOJA: Absa Bank, World Vision Partner to Promote Girl child inclusion in Education

    Absa Bank Uganda, together with World Vision, have partnered to promote the continued inclusion of girls in education across the Karamoja sub-region. The revelation was...

    WFP to Set Up Regional Logistics Hub in Uganda

    The Country Director of the World Food Programme (WFP), Abdirahman Meygag, has revealed plans to establish a logistics hub in Uganda aimed at serving...

    LOP Queries Government’s Response to Traders’ Concerns after Parliament Passing VAT Bill

    Following the passing of the Value Added Tax Amendment Bill 2024, the Leader of Opposition in Parliament (LOP), Joel Ssenyonyi, has questioned the government...

    Netizens Raise Dust as Elite High School Students Appear for Prom Party in Chopper

    Social media has been flooded with mixed reactions to the Elite High School students' appearance in a helicopter for a prom party on Saturday,...

    LoP Urges Government to Respect the Rights of Journalists

    As Uganda joins the rest of the world to celebrate World Press Freedom Day, Joel Ssenyonyi, the Leader of Opposition (LoP), has called upon...

    Leading Cause of Cancer Death in Uganda is Cervical Cancer—Dr. Jatho

    Cervical cancer remains a significant contributor to cancer-related mortality in Uganda, with devastating effects on women's health nationwide. Dr. Alfred Jatho, head of Community Cancer...

    Court Grants Bail to TikToker Charged with Attacking Personality of Kabaka

    Ibrahim Musana, a 27-year-old Ugandan commonly known as Pressure 24/7, has been granted a two million cash bail by the Buganda Road Court. His Worship...

    Parliament Contributes UGX 1 billion towards the Construction of Radiation Bunkers at Nsambya Hospital

    The Parliament has contributed UGX 1 billion towards the construction of the radiation bunkers at the St. Francis Hospital, Nsambya Cancer Unit. Anita Annet Among,...

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