Sunday, February 23, 2025

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    Author: Agnes Atewo

    Mukono PDM SACCO Chairperson Arraigned in Court over Corruption

    The efforts of SHACU, CID, and ODPP reflect the government’s determination to combat corruption at all levels.

    Camp Fire (Etem), a Significant Sign of Increased Unity in Teso Culture

    The campfire gathering, depending on availability, the modest women of good repute served the local brew, locally known as Ajon, to the congregants to drink.

    SOROTI MUSEUM: Preserving the Rich Cultural Heritage of Teso People

    Teso Museum is a vital institution for the preservation and promotion of Teso culture, providing a valuable resource for education, research, and cultural exchange.

    LOP Ssenyonyi Defends Self, Vows to Expose Corruption at Parliament Despite Backlash from Propagandists

    Parliament is accountable to the people of Uganda and the public has a right to know how their money is being spent. 

    Ministry of Trade Permanent Secretary Arrested over Corruption

    Ssali, together with MPs Michael Mawanda Maranga, Wamakuyu, Akamba, Lawyer Julius Kirya Taitankonko, and Leonard Kavundira, a trade official, are accused of allegedly diverting around Ugx 3.4 billion meant for war loss compensation to Buyaka Growers Cooperative Society.

    MUKONO: PDM SACCO Treasurer Arraigned in Court over Theft of Funds

    The State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SHACU) has arraigned Hadijjah Ntongo, the treasurer of Seeta Nazigo PDM SACCO, before the Magistrate Grade 1 Court of Nakisunga, Mukono District, on two charges of theft.

    EC Chairperson Calls for Peace Ahead of the 2026 Elections

    The Electoral Commission (EC) Chairperson, Justice Simon Mugenyi Byabakama, has emphasized the importance of peaceful elections in 2026, stating that they are a constitutional right for every Ugandan.

    Three PDM SACCO Leaders Arraigned in Court on Charges of Extortion

    The State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SHACU), in conjunction with the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP),...

    Kumi P.5 Pupil Kills Classmate While Playing in Class

    Police in Kumi district have in custody a 13-year-old primary five pupil of Auruku Ominai Primary School for allegedly killing a classmate while playing. ASP...

    Ministry of Trade Principal Officer Arraigned in SHACU Court over Fraud

    "The UGX 3.4 billion was meant for war loss compensation by the government, but the accused decided to divert it to Buyaka Growers Cooperative Society for their personal use.”

    Ssekikubo Accuses Parliament’s Security Officials of Interfering with Censorship Motion

    The Lwemiyaga County legislator Theodore Ssekikubo has accused the parliamentary security officials (Sergeant at Arms) of interfering with the ongoing collection of signatures to...

    Parliament Blocks Removal of MPs Bwanika, Bagala from Gov’t Assurance Committee

    Parliament has rejected the decision of Opposition Whip MP John Baptist Nambeshe to remove MPs Dr. Abed Bwanika and Joyce Bagala from heading the...

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