UPDF Puts Out of Action ADF Rebels in an Operation on Lake Edward

UPDF officers
UPDF officers with bodies of ADF rebels and one captured sitting in a boat on Lake Edward. Courtesy photo

The Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) has tracked down and put out of action a substantial number of Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) terrorists in a joint operation on Lake Edward, off Kayanja Landing Site in Kasese district.

Colonel Deo Akiiki, the UPDF Spokesperson stated that, on October 31, 2023, the UPDF carried out an operation on Lake Edward off the Kayanja Landing site which led to a significant blow to the ADF terrorists.

According to Akiiki, one of the rebels was captured, and was found with credentials of the recently killed tourists and guide/driver, while several others were eliminated under the combined fire of UPDF marine, Special Forces-222 and 301 Brigade infantry squads in a brilliantly coordinated operation.

“One notorious njovu was captured live and he had with him the driving permit and passports of the recently killed tourists, guide/driver,” Akiiki noted.

Akiiki noted that, the group that was cornered by an intelligence led operation and killed is suspected to have participated in the murder of the British tourists recently.

According to the UPDF report released on August 17, 2023, 548 ADF terrorists had been put out of action (POA), 50 had been captured alive and 31 had surrendered to the joint forces after intense pressure.