DP asks government to release bail out strategy for all businesses to avoid selective approach

Ismail Kiirya, DP deputy spokesperson
Ismail Kiirya, DP Deputy Spokesperson. File photo

The Democratic Party (DP) leadership has asked government through the Ministry of Finance to avoid selective bail outs for businesses and release an open strategy for all businesses, to avoid corruption.

Ismail Kiirya the DP deputy spokesperson, made this statement on October 17,2023 while addressing the press at the Party offices in Kampala.

Kiirya thanked government for bailing out business people who are distressed, to revamp their businesses, as it creates employment opportunities. However, he urged the Ministry of Finance to come up with a uniform strategy that will work for all business owners.

“All businesses struggling, like Mangajo, WBS, Sembuule among others should be bailed out to avoid the country from falling into a dilemma of corruption accusations on the few that are bailed out,” Kiirya said.

Kiirya further applauded government for bailing out Patrick Bitature, but asked how special he is that it is only his business that was bailed out.

“Cabinet okayed a relief package of  Ugx 240.9 billion, so how special is he to be the only one considered amongst other Ugandans struggling to revamp their business,” Kiirya  asked.

The bail out for Bitature is meant to serve as a lifeline from his soaking debt of USD 35 Million owing to Vantage Mezzanine, a south African based company that lends to mid and large sized companies during a crisis.