Prices of Sacrificial Animals Hiked as Muslims set to celebrate Eid al-Adha

An Abattoir filled with animals to be slaughtered
An Abattoir filled with animals to be slaughtered by Muslims on Eid al-Adha. Courtesy photo

The price of animals such as goats, cows and sheep has gone up following Muslim Eid al-Adha celebration set for Wednesday, June 28, 2023.

Sulaiman Shaban, a butcher at Kalerwe Abattoir has said that the price rise due to demand was caused by the celebrations, citing that animals for Eid are booked early which affects supply in major animal markets.

He hopes that sales will pick up more as Eid al-Adha draws closer, and traders are looking forward to good sales despite high prices.

According to Hajji Umaru Kawuma, whenever there is an increase in demand, automatically the price of items has to shoot up.

The demand for animals to slaughter on Eid Day has caused a hike in prices of beef in urban centres with a kilogram buying between Shs14,000 and Shs15,000, from Shs12, 000 a week ago.

In different markets around the city, a goat costs Shs200,000 to Shs300,000 while for cows, each is costing between Shs1.5 Million and Shs1.9 million.

Mohannad Zubaire a cattle and goat trader in Rufura said that prices are fixed according to the weight, size, breed and other special characteristics.

He added that healthy animals are sacrificed for people to celebrate with their families.