Bishop Zoreka’s 14 years of Exemplary Episcopal Ministry: A Journey Worth Celebrating 

During the celebration, all the proceeds went towards the modification and renovation of the cathedral, with Centenary Bank contributing 100 bags of cement. So far, Kampala Fellowship members have raised UGX 90 million in cash and pledges towards the completion of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Nyakatare.

Rt. Rev. Dan Zoreka, the 2nd Bishop of the Diocese of Kinkiizi (c) receiving 100 bags of cement from Centenary Bank as a contribution towards the completion of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Nyakatare.

Christians who gathered at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Nyakatare, to celebrate and honor the 14 years of faithful service and spiritual leadership of Rt. Rev. Dan Zoreka, the 2nd Bishop of the Diocese of Kinkiizi, have expressed their gratitude for the exemplary episcopal ministry and the physical renewal of St. Peter’s Cathedral.

During the celebration on Sunday, October 13, 2024, Christians described the celebration as a duo milestone—one of spiritual leadership and the physical renewal of a place where the congregation gatherers for worship, fellowship, and service, adding that the milestone is not just a testament to time but to the tireless dedication, vision, and love with which Rt. Rev. Zoreka has shepherded the people of God.

In his written speech, the Chairman of the Diocese of Kinkiizi Kampala Fellowship and the surrounding areas, John Patrick Amama Mbabazi, lauded Bishop Zoreka for his leadership and dedication, which he said have been instrumental in the holistic ministry that has led to the growth and development of the Diocese.

“Throughout your tenure, you have tirelessly worked towards the spiritual nourishment and physical transformation of our society. You have guided us with wisdom and grace, leading us towards a deeper understanding of our faith and a stronger connection with God. We are truly grateful for your unwavering commitment to your service to God’s people in our diocese and beyond,” he said.

He invited Christians to take up the opportunity and contribute towards the renovation and modification works of the cathedral, saying that as a magnificent cathedral, it holds a special place in Christians’ hearts, as it serves as a symbol of their faith and a place of worship for many generations.

“We are so grateful so far for the progress that has been registered as far as the works are concerned. Thank you to everyone who has contributed small and big to enable this progress. As the executive committee of the Diocese of Kinkiizi-Kampala Fellowship, we have also been receiving reports of what is going on in terms of funding and expenditure, and I want to assure everyone present here that we are satisfied with the reports, and we believe that God being our helper, we will get more resources to get this project accomplished as planned. It is our duty to ensure that this cathedral remains a sacred space and beacon of hope for both the current and future generations,” Mbabazi noted.

St. Peter’s Cathedral, Nyakatare, the church in question.

In his message, Canon Edmund Turyatunga, the Publicity Secretary of the Kampala Kinkiizi Fellowship, commended Bishop Zoreka’s unwavering commitment to God’s work.

Can. Turyatunga described Bishop Zoreka’s 14-year journey as a spiritual leader with extraordinary vision, faith, and resilience, adding that he has guided the Diocese of Kinkiizi with a shepherd’s heart and has strived to strengthen the bond between the people and God.

“Your leadership has been instrumental in fostering spiritual growth, encouraging the deepening of faith, and supporting the development of ministries that reach out to the most vulnerable in society. Through your episcopal ministry, we have witnessed the transformation of many lives, communities, and institutions. Under your guidance, the Diocese has continued to grow in both numbers and influence, reflecting your passion for God’s work and your dedication to service,” he said.

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Can. Turyatunga highlighted the ongoing renovation of St. Peter’s Cathedral, which he said is a shining example of the bishop’s commitment to uplifting the church, not only spiritually but also in its physical manifestation.

He further said that the newly transformed cathedral, once completed, will stand out as a beacon of hope, a place of refuge, and a center of spiritual nourishment.

“The cathedral’s beauty and grandeur are a testament to the unity of the church and the shared efforts of the congregation under Bishop Zoreka’s leadership, which represents more than just a building but embodies the collective faith and dedication of the diocese,” he said.

“This project has brought the community together, highlighting your ability to lead with both practicality and spiritual foresight. It reflects your belief that the church is not only a place of worship but also a symbol of God’s enduring presence among His people. Your dedication to making St. Peter’s Cathedral a place worthy of its divine purpose will serve generations to come,” Can. Turyatunga added.

In his concluding remarks, he quoted the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Peter 5:2-3 (NIV), saying, “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them, not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.”

During the celebration, all the proceeds went towards the modification and renovation of the cathedral, with Centenary Bank contributing 100 bags of cement. So far, Kampala Fellowship members have raised UGX 90 million in cash and pledges towards the completion of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Nyakatare.

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