148 Senior Officers Set for Retirement, Urged to Embrace a New Chapter

As the senior officers embark on this significant transition, they are encouraged to embrace the opportunities that retirement brings, contributing positively to their communities and ensuring a prosperous future.

Brig Gen Emmanuel Kanyesigye, the Commandant of Jinja Cantonment addressing senior officers at the Non-Commissioned Officers Academy in Jinja. Courtesy photo

The Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) has officially launched a sensitization and documentation exercise for 148 senior officers, ranging from the rank of Major to Colonel, as they prepare for retirement.

During the event that took place at the Non-Commissioned Officers Academy in Jinja on July 22, 2024, Brigadier General Emmanuel Kanyesigye, the Commandant of Jinja Cantonment, commended the officers for their selfless service to the UPDF, Uganda, and the African continent.

“The nation’s peace is a direct result of your dedication and hard work. I acknowledge that there are challenges that may arise as you transition from high command positions,” Brig Gen Kanyesigye said.

He, however, urged the retirees to respect and comply with the authority of their local community leaders, encouraging them to leverage their leadership skills to enhance existing governance structures.

“Drive progress in your communities rather than conflict with village authorities,” he advised.

The Brigadier General further encouraged the retirees to take pride in their upcoming retirement and to engage in socially and economically transformative activities, particularly in agriculture.

He highlighted that such endeavors could help multiply their gratuity and secure a sustainable financial future, ensuring that their benefits are not squandered prematurely.

Colonel Deborah Nayebare, the Deputy Chief of Pension, Gratuity, and Compensation, echoed these sentiments and urged the retirees to view this new chapter positively.

“Retirement is not a punishment but an opportunity to explore aspects of life you may have missed during your service,” Col Nayebare said.

She reassured the officers that their pension remunerations are secure and tax-free, courtesy of the government.

She further advised officers to manage their finances wisely, emphasizing key investment principles such as where to invest, how to invest, and understanding the associated risks.

“Master your economic cash flow and always plan your asset acquisition,” she added.

As the senior officers embark on this significant transition, they are encouraged to embrace the opportunities that retirement brings, contributing positively to their communities and ensuring a prosperous future.

The event was attended by staff from the Pension Directorate, including William Enyimu, the Principal Human Resource Officer at the Ministry of Defense and Veteran Affairs, who also supported the initiative.